Upcoming Training
Local Data Resources
When: To be confirmed, 2.5 hr workshop
Where: The Kollective, 145 17th Ave, Tauranga
Join the Community Insights team to find out about CI Social Data and resources created specifically for Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty.
Specifically designed for groups working in the community & social services space, come along for a hands-on workshop to find out how you can access good local data.
This workshop is suited for all abilities – you don’t need data skills to participate or get something out of the workshop.
Explore and discover the answers to questions like:
● How many of our rangatahi left school with an NCEA L3 qualification?
● How many residents in my suburb own their own home?
● How many local people currently receive government income support?
Bring your laptop, and gain confidence in navigating your way around the dashboards and other data resources we have available.
Annual Reporting
When: To be confirmed, 2.5 hr workshop
Where: The Kollective, 145 17th Ave, Tauranga
Use your annual report to tell the story of your organisation using your data correctly and creatively.
Liz Flaherty has been working on using data and knows how the social sector works. Richard Dey from William Buck, Chartered Accountants, knows the mechanics of annual reporting from a financial perspective.
Together they can help you to use your data creatively and correctly, so your annual report will meet all requirements and also tell a story that will interest your members, clients and funders.
Introduction to Excel - Guiding you through the basics
When: To be confirmed, 2.5 hr workshop
Where: The Kollective, 145 17th Ave, Tauranga
Never used Excel before, or have you taught yourself but know there must be a better way?
This session will take you through how to create and use spreadsheets in Excel, show you the shortcuts and give you an understanding of the key tools including:
Finding your way around a spreadsheet
Working with columns and rows
Data ranges
Basic Formulas
Shortcuts and tips
Bring your laptop along with Excel loaded and ready to go for a very hands on workshop.
Tableau Refresher
When: To be confirmed, 2 hr workshop
Where: Online
This half-day workshop is specifically designed for those who have already attended the 2-day workshop or who are familiar with the Tableau platform.
This session will include presentations from groups that are now using Tableau and will provide an opportunity to talk about future forums/clinics and training on Tableau snippets (that can be recorded to add to our existing training library).
Mubashir Mukhtar, Data Scientist contract by SociaLink’s Community Insights, and founder of Data n Dashboards Ltd will expertly guide you through the next stages of your Tableau journey and answer any burning questions.
Tableau experience / previous training is required.
Advanced Excel - The next level
When: To be confirmed, 3 hr workshop
Where: The Kollective, 145 17th Ave, Tauranga
This Excel training is for intermediate users who know their way around a spreadsheet and want to take their skills to the next level.
This workshop includes:
Linking cells and conditional formatting
Logical & IF's Functions
Advanced Filtering
Formatting as a Table
Removing duplicates and data validation
Please bring your laptop for a hands-on workshop facilitated by the very experienced Cathi Barker from Software Solutions.
Collecting & Presenting Data Using Google Forms
When: To be confirmed, 3 hr workshop
Where: The Kollective, 145 17th Ave, Tauranga
Learn how you can save time by using Google forms for registrations, feedback and evaluations. We will then take you through how to present the data visually with graphs and charts.
This workshop will cover:
What types of questions to include
Linking QR codes to Google forms
Transforming data collected into basic charts to present to your board and funders
You will need access to a gmail account prior to attending the workshop. Please contact us if you need assistance with setting this up.
Please bring your own laptop as this is a very hands on workshop.
Data Storytelling
When: To be confirmed, 3 hour workshop
Where: The Kollective, 145 17th Ave, Tauranga (The Classroom next to The Kollective)
A follow-up workshop to the Local Data resources workshop.
Now that you know how to find the data that is relevant to your mahi (work), this Data Storytelling workshop will provide participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively communicate data stories.
Through interactive activities and hands-on exercises, participants will practice:
identifying relevant data
framing data so key insights are revealed (story forming)
communicating these insights using narrative and visual elements (story telling)
Participants will gain an understanding of how to use data storytelling to enable change, with new tools and confidence to create meaningful data stories.
It is recommended that you attend a Local Data Resources workshop prior to attending this follow-up workshop. Alternatively, let us know when you register your interest that you need some time with someone from the Community Insights team prior to this workshop.
Bring your laptop for a hands-on workshop.
Tableau - Change the way you think about data – with Mubashir
When: Dates to be confirmed, 2 day workshop
Where: The Kollective, 145 17th Ave, Tauranga
This 2 day workshop will guide you through using Tableau platform to transform data to assist with reporting and planning, showing you the power and flexibility of your data.
Mubashir Mukhtar, Contracted Data Scientist with SociaLink’s Community Insights, and founder of Data n Dashboards Ltd will expertly guide you through developing a dashboard relevant to the social services sector while you learn to:
Connect, visualise and work with data
Develop the skills to create your own smart,interactive Dashboards, combining multiple views of data to get richer insights.
Some Excel experience is required, if you are unsure if you should attend please contact the Community Insights team to discuss joining us.
Please bring your own laptop (a tablet / phone cannot be used for this workshop).
Get in touch!
Get in touch with the Community Insights team to talk with us about your data needs, questions or ideas. We’ll support your organisation to build your skills and expertise in using both your own and relevant external data to enhance and grow your work in our community.