Case Study - Waipu Hauora
Waipu Hauora works with the communities of Hungahungatoroa, Whareroa and Waikari Marae of Ngāi Te Rangi iwi.
This is Community Insight’s first focused project with local hapū. Initially, the Community Insights team met with Ngā Pou (Waipu Hauora trustees) to understand their vision and their desire to use the data they were already collecting to better understand people, their achievements and areas they could best be supported. From here the details of the data project were agreed. This collaborative process aligns with our whakatauaki that guides our work in the community.
“Uhia te korowai kahui ki te iwi hei tauawhi, hei akiaki ki te ao angitu.”
Spread the folds of the korowai to all, as a means of support and encouragement in the pursuit of success.
The Hauora, based at Hungahungatoroa Marae, is the main health and social service provider for the community and whānau of Matapihi.
Waipu Hauora works with the communities of Hungahungatoroa, Whareroa and Waikari Marae of Ngāi Te Rangi iwi. The Hauora is one of 18 kaupapa Māori providers (subcontracted to Poutiri Trust) providing health promotion services to local communities, funded by the Bay of Plenty District Health Board. Programmes the Hauora provide include those for kaumātua and kuia, health promotion and vaccination clinics, antenatal and smoke-free classes for hapū māmā (pregnant women), rangatahi (youth) and children’s programmes as well as training in traditional Māori health practises.
While Waipu Hauora were collecting good information about the people they were working with and the services they delivered, they wanted support to get the most out of this data to assist in planning for the future.
The Goal
Waipu Hauora’s goal for the project:
“To build a comprehensive picture of the health of our clients that sets a foundation for our staff, service providers and people so that we can steadily improve, in a measurable and reportable manner, the health and wellbeing of our clients and their whānau.”
“How many whānau have diabetes, how we can help them best and where do we push our resources?”
The Plan
- Visualise service delivery and client outcome data collected by the Hauora in organisational data dashboards;
- Identify and review key regional and national community wellbeing and health indicators;
- In collaboration with the community, identify desired wellbeing outcomes that are both relevant and meaningful for the Waipu Hauora hāpori (community).
Community Insights Input
The project is a Community Health Needs Analysis which includes data dashboarding of Waipu Hauora’s own internal data, identifying relevant regional and national datasets to use for benchmarking, identifying and mapping long-term outcomes that are meaningful to the community and developing measures and indicators linked to these.
- Mapping of Waipu Hauora programmes and services and the data collected across each of these
- Training in data analytics tool Tableau provided
- Support to Rationalise data being collected
The Future
The project is underway, we will update this page as it progresses.