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Safety/Harm Resources

Family Violence Statistics - New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse

A link to sources of family and sexual violence statistics.

Justice Statistics

Data and analysis related to the administration of the justice system - charges, convictions, offence types and court outcomes; processes and outcomes in both criminal and family courts; children and young people in the court and youth justice indicators. Also provides a link to data from annual NZ Crime and victims Survey. 

Police Data

Data on Criminal offending and victimisation, the policing of drugs and family violence.

Suicide Web Tool

Suicide data presented as trends over time, by age group, district health board of residence, ethnicity and sex.

Pokie Grants Data

Discover whether your community benefits from Gaming Trust grants using this interactive tool. 

Te Marutau — Ngā tatauranga ā-tau Safety — Annual statistics

Annual statistics on road deaths and injuries.

Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs

Department of Internal Affairs collated quarterly information about the numbers of venues and gaining machines licensed in each territorial authority area.

Crime and Justice Stats (On Stats NZ Site)

The latest Information on prosecutions and convictions, types of sentences, and the number of people serving prison or community sentences. Statistics also include child and youth prosecution information.

NZ Crime & Victims Survey

The NZCVS collects information about New Zealanders’ experience of crime. This new survey is run every year from 2018 asking 8,000 New Zealanders from all walks of life about their experiences.